Sunday, January 25, 2009

Music Makes My Mood Swayyyyy

So, I doubt anyone is reading this right now, and I don't really care if they do are not.

But anywhore. I got up at like 7:30am this morning. yeah unbelievable. I know. So yeah, I worked on some makeup work for school and I am NOT looing forward to going back. Ugh I hateeeeeeee school.

Friends. So my friends have bee acting super weird lately. AND, the best thing is these dumb little highschool bitchy girls are trying to make me jealous and shit, which I find realllllllyyyyy fun. I didn't know people could really be that lame. But okay. ahahah(:

I've been thinking about the most random things lately. Its realllllyyy weird. lol.

Well college is always on my mind, and I still don't know what I want to do. I mean I loveeee photography, but I love animals along with Marine Biology. So I really need to get some shit straightened out. But I still have some time to think and what not.

I love the music my friend has on his myspace. Like his whole playlist just makes my day. ITS FCKING AMAZING. ahah(:

So yeah. Hmmmmm, what else. Oh yeah, I've been getting super homesick lately. It's crazy. It's like I just think about everything, my friends, family, and everything I'm missing out on.

Blah. I will write later, I suppose. ahah(:

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