Saturday, February 21, 2009

Good Saturday Morning! (:

It's almost 8:30 a.m. here and I'm awake. I don't know why I'm awake because i was up until 2:30 am this morning. Then i passed out. loll. Go me? Yeah.

SO! Today. I have no idea what I'm doing. I woke up and my mom was gone so I'm not sure what I'M going to do. Probably nothing until noon or later, since she wont get home until then or later.

BLAH. I am so bored. OMG i haven't seen vegitales in so long. lololol. I miss that show. So Ive been watching a lot of Daria lately. I love that show. I have the first season on my ipod and part of the 2Nd. I really should work on getting the rest of the seasons on there but it takes SO long.

Ugh going back to school on Monday is going to suck so bad. I'm going to have double the shit to make up, plus like 3 tests. AWESOME. I'm so excited for that.

For like 40 something degrees outside, it seems really nice out. I really don't want that heat to come too fast. The humidity here is so miserable. It makes you not want to live, or go outside. ITS that bad. But another part of me wants it so i can go outside and get burnt. ha ha. since i never really "tan" until like the 3rd week of sitting out.

I've been listening to the Dave Matthews band constantly. i Really love them. Like a lot. Loll.

For the first time in like 8 years i feel like reading. loll. Every ones telling me to read Twilight. I MIGHT. And yes i own it, i got it for Christmas, but its not like every girl in school doesn't own the flipping thing, because you you bet they do. I think a few frame the thing.

BUT Before twilight there's this other book i want to read that i bought like last summer.

"Trust no one, Love nothing."
Honestly I might have to go by this quote, because that really seems to be true right now. Literally. I'm not even joking. I think trusting no one and loving nothing is safe.

Well, I think I'm going to go download some music.

JAYME(: aaha epic?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Felt like a Friday.

So, today was okay. I hate when something happens over the weekend and then you tell someone, and then you tell more people because they weren't around when you were telling what happened the first time. erg. i hate that. i feel like i had to repeat myself like 8 times.

So today started getting really good towards the end of the day. ;)
lololollololololollololololololol AH! (: okay anyways.

Quick update on my fish and they are all alive and swimming'. loll.

So, I realized in school today, that I really need to step it up. In floral design i have like a 66 because i didn't make up my work when i was out. go figure. in clothing i did have an F on the progress report. In math, who knows what i have in there, i hate that class, and never do the work, but on the progress report i had a c. and Spanish, i don't know how the fuck i have an f. but whatever.
so that's horrible and i know i can do way better.

ugh I'm struggling to see, my contacts keep going all blurry. asdf. I just woke up from a three hour nap and omg it was amazing. haha.

Hmmmm what else happened todayyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
Not really to much. Besides how much i hate school. I want to graduate early so bad. I hate school, I hate the fact the teachers think that they can do whatever they want to you, embarrass you, say shit to you , its just unbelievable some of these teachers. and on the other hand some, SOME teachers at school are really cool and you're an actual person, not just some person in there class for a semester.

Speaking of school, i really need to study for my math test tomorrow. erg. I took notes all day today. so hopefully they'll help.

Well anyways. Its 8:00 already. erg. i shouldn't have slept so long. But yeah, off to studddddyyyyyy. wooot. =D

I'm moving there. I swear, after graduation. Cali here i come.


Saturday, February 14, 2009


Hahah, I'm not as happy as it looks about valentines day. aha. But its all good.

SO! Today I woke up at 4:40 a.m. ON a SATURDAY. haha yeah. So I stayed up for a little while, then ended up passing out at like 9, and waking up like at 2.

I NOW OWN TWO BLACK GOLDFISH. They are the loves of my life. ahah.
Their dolls, they are so cute and they arent that big. So yes, I do need to take some photographs of them soon.

Nora and Frankie(:

Which reminds me.
I need to name these little cuties.
I know ones going to be K.C. (kurt cobain initials. hes my hero).
So the bigger one is going to be K.C. so if you say it, it sounds like kasey. haha. COOL.
wow nerd much?
I need a second name for the smaller one.
I like maddie.
For the smaller one. (:
So its K.C. and Maddie<3>:/
whatever though. At least I have a phone. haha.

OMG why is my room such a mess. erg. i hate it.
I think im going to clean it up.
YAY cleaning. with a mixure of singing. WOOT.

Yesterday was so weird.
I can't even say why.
But it did make me giggle like a little school girl. AHA.



Im not sure why, but she looks more like a saddie.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

IT'S SUNDAY! (: haha(:

So, I've been trying to think positive lately. So, with thinking positive, I need a day off of school, So! I took Friday off. Haha. So Yeah.

I've been making very little improvement on the whole changing thing, But I do have a feeling, it will start getting better. I just need more focus.

OMG OMG OMGOMG ! I got two Betta fishies this week. They are so cute. I named them Frankie, and Nora :D Yeah, and I almost killed frankie because i took I was cleaning out their bowl thingy and he like jumped out and yeah. But they are good now!

Me and my friend were talking about how we need to be more social. So, we are going to try and take a break from everything, and get more social. Hahaha. I know. Don't worry. I'm still going to try and blog just because it's fun(:

EW! Today I woke up so late. Even though it's not like bad since I went to sleep at 5 am this morning. haha. Yeah last night was crazy! hahah. So yeah.

I keep getting home sick! LIKE OMFG. Its so weird. Like i check my facebook or myspace and I'm all sad, because i see my friends and they all look so happy and everything and its just like ugh I'm missing out on so much!

What about this past week, was pretty funny. These two guy friends of mine totally treated me like shit and then they go around and were like I'm so sorry Jayme, I made a mistake and like all this shit. So yeah. I found it funny. Like i don't really care, they are my friends regardless. I love them to death, i just don't want to lose friendship with them over something so idiotic.

My room is a mess. And i really should clean it but, its so hot in here and i dont even want to move lol. My fish are so cute, they follow your finger when you put it up to the bowl. Its adorable. (: OMG DID I TELL WHAT OINKERS THEY ARE? haha. I don't over feed them, its just when i do feed them they look go insane. ahha. (: Ew, I hate how their bowl gets dirty so quick.

Anyways, I'll try and blog more later.(:


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Futuristic (:

So, today I was thinking about how I really want change. I don't just want to change on the outside, but on the inside also. I also want to prepare for the future. That sounds really weird. I know. But It's just been on my mind a lot. haha(:

Mostly I've been thinking about college, and what I want to do, and where I want to go.

I really want to go to a big city. I mean I had my heart set on going back home to Wisconsin, and going to college there, where my friends and family are. But! I'm not really sure if I want to do that anymore. I DO KNOW THAT I WILL NOT STAY IN TENNESSEE.

Here are the things I would like to get into:
1.Photography or anything with design.
2.Fashion. Anything.
4. Singer/Actress? Maybe. I love love love singing, and I think acting is just so fun, Butttt, I do get nervous easily, but I think I can eventually get over that.
5. Journalist. I love writing. But I don't know if I'd be good enough to make it big.

I think this is the place for me. New York City. Bright Lights. MMM. (: