Saturday, March 14, 2009

I Fell For The Enemy.

Hey everyone!
Well, it's close to the ending of Saturday, which makes me very sad :/ Because Sunday, well Sunday is just NOT fun haha.

Today consisted of:
Sleep, food, singing, and Advil. Exciting, no?

Which reminds me, my blue Betta fish died. OMG I FEEL LIKE AN ANIMAL KILLER. I buried him in my backyard. :'/ He was a great little fishie.

I am singing so much more these days. I guess when my emotions get all fucked up, it enables me to sing even more and better. (:

OMGGGGG, I need to finish cleaning my room. My god. Its clean its just that i need to finish arranging it how i want. i need to put everything in its place. hahaha. There I go again talking about what i need to do in my room again. lol.

OH and I've been thinking about getting this piercing called angel bites. Its something I've been looking at for awhile, but I'm kind of iffy about getting it since my school doesn't allow piercings, but i figured i could put in plastic retainers. I'll put up pictures.

This is the piercing.

This one is a really scene obviously highly photoshopped girl with hoops instead of balls.

Close up. a Medusa is also in this (middle of the lip).

And another :D

So yeah. I'm still thinking it over. But I REALLY LIKE THEM.

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